About Stockyfly

Analysis on fly

Equity lovers usually try to find stocks through various filtration process which may include market sentiment, news, price action, volume & delivery at a particular time. Although many tools are available now-a-days still, various important things missing in the result when it comes to right entry and exit points.

What a trader looks for;

  • Stocks to pick
  • Entry & Exit Points
  • All filtrations at one time
  • Handy results at one go


Stockyfly provides all facilities from a novice to professional traders at one platform. Few like to trade on Brekouts, few on swings where as few likes to identify participation before breakout. In all possible ways, stockyfly is meant to help you picking up right stock at right time. Stockyfly helps you to find;

  • Stocks in Strong trend
  • Stocks about to swing or on swing
  • Stocks about to give potential breakout
  • Stocks which gave breakout today
  • Easy filtration & customization on scans

Advance level traders can customize the scans like;

  • Stocks in consolidation for a particular time frame
  • Stocks moving up from a particular support (number of lower touches)
  • Stocks testing a resistance X number of times, helps to identify potential breakout before it will happen
  • Stocks which are in strong momentum (circuit Hitters)

Chase Momentum

Traders specially who loves Options Buying needs stocks giving best momentum also possible candidates for circuits. Chanakya Bullish is a strategy which will helps you to identify such stocks at one click. Scan results include stock name, targets and stoploss.

Chase Breakouts

If you are looking for a strategy which will scan stocks for you that gave breakout today after a long consolidation than Momento Bullish is the strategy right for you. In fact, you can customize various parameters based upon your preference like number of days you want to scan, minimum price of the sctock, etc.

Chase Potential Breakouts

Traders who wants to participate in the rally during when the stock is in consolidation stage and having potential breakout at any time considering the volume & delivery generated, Pre-Breakout Genie is the right strategy to follow. It includes all parameters and the paramters are customizable.